Three Years Old!
We celebrated Leighton’s 3rd birthday on Sunday with a nice relaxing day at home. Not knowing whether or not we’d be back from St. Louis in time, we didn’t plan anything elaborate and I made sure she knew we’d be celebrating whenever we got home from Baker’s surgery. Luckily at only 3 years old, we could have gotten away with celebrating at a later date but I was soooooo happy that we made it back in time!
It’s hard to get a true, genuine smile from this girl caught on camera but when it happens, her nose crinkle is my favorite thing.
Leighton is by far our most challenging kiddo in terms of behavior. She’s stubborn as all get out and I have a hard time finding what works for her in terms of getting her to listen and punishments that truly drive home a point. She laughs when she’s put in time-out and stares me down as she’s trying to hit me while I’m literally saying, “We don’t hit people!” She’s a biter, too, her most likely victim being Gracyn.
We’re working on it and I’m really, really, really hoping three is better than two. Two was hard. She’s still tough and likes to give us a run for our money but underneath the naughtiness that is often at the surface is a really sweet girl. And I’m sure that her stubbornness will pay off one day.
She’s still a terrible sleeper and loves to stall bedtime by asking questions, usually the same ones over and over again. She asks to rock – also used as a stall tactic – and because I’m a sucker I normally oblige. It’s really irritating having to go back into her room 5 or more times at night to get her to go to bed but when she asks to rock I’m instantly reminded that she’s still little.
(Unless I’ve warned her that “this is the last time, I mean it!” If she asks again after that point I have to stick to my guns and say we’re all done. I mean, I can’t have her walking all over me completely, right!?)
She turned out to be a really good big sister. She is usually gentle with Baker and loves to be all up in his business making silly faces and wanting to play with him. She loves to play with friends and tries to keep up with with the big girls around the neighborhood.
Potty training her was no fun at all but she’s doing a great job! Accident free during the day for the most part and will wear diapers for the ever fleeting nap and at bedtime. She will won’t go #2 in the potty (she’ll ask for a diaper) but we’re working on it!
Leighton loves the tablet and likes to watch music videos. Taylor Swift is her current favorite. She doesn’t play independently like Gracyn seemed to do at this age but every now and then she’ll run off to play with her babies or cook in their kitchen. And slowly but surely, she and Gracyn are starting to play better together. They still fight but when they’re actually getting along, I love to watch and listen to them. I hope they continue to grow closer and have a special sister relationship!
Leighton starts daycare or “school” with Gracyn next month! She’s never been to daycare so I think (I hope!) it’ll be good for her to interact with kiddos in a classroom-like setting along with listening to other adults besides me and her dad. We’re starting them on Tuesdays & Thursdays with Baker joining them in February while I return to work at the office.
I’ll work from home the other 3 days of the week. As much as I loathe having to pay for daycare, I think it’ll be good for me, too. I’m not excited to send Baker but as the girls have gotten older, my stress level while working at home full time is high and I don’t like feeling that way. So as the kids grow and seasons change, this little shift in our schedules may be a good thing for everyone. We shall see!
At three, Leighton is smart and she has the best raspy voice. My mom told me I should record her talking just so I have the videos to look back on years from now. I think she’s right! I’m not sure where it came from but it’s something I don’t want to forget.
Leighton, you are my funny girl and I love you so much. You may drive me to the brink of crazy every day but life would be so boring without you! I hope you continue to love life and never lose your strong will and sense of humor. Mama loves you, sweet girl.