It’s a Boy!

its a boy

It’s a Boy!

I was going to type up a nice weekend recap blogpost for today because Justin and I had big plans to get some stuff done around the house while the girls were still with my parents. Things like cleaning and getting the babe’s car seat installed. Get the pack ‘n play set up in our room, make sure we had things ready for the hospital. We had a day-date planned for Saturday and everything! 

Guess who had other plans?!

Much to our surprise, this sweet boy decided it was time to meet his family instead!

Baker Dee Oakley arrived Friday, August 4th at 2:42 PM. He weighed in at 5 lbs 7 oz and is 17.5 inches long.

It was the craziest day and I’ll be sure to put his birth story together sometime soon. For now, though, we are LOVING his snuggles and are so happy to report that he is doing well! He’s in the NICU but is killing it when it comes to feeds and maintaining oxygen levels and things like that. We’re hopeful that he’ll be heading home soon!

This little guy has stolen our hearts and we are so in love. Welcome to the world, Baker Dee!

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