Leighton |Ten Months Old

Sister girl. Ten months old. I can’t believe that in two months – 8ish weeks – I’ll have a one-year old. Another toddler. I can’t even.
Girlfriend survived while mama and daddy were gone for a week this month; she had a blast with Grandma and Papa. She’s waving and standing. She’s forgotten what she’s doing on a few occasions and has taken a few accidental steps in between furniture or as she’s reaching for something. Not full-on walking like her sister at 10 months, but it won’t be long.
EAT | This girl will still eat anything and everything you put in front of her. I actually don’t think she would ever stop eating. Still a big fan of cheerios and bananas. Loves meat, cheese and yogurt.  She will stop and taste anything and everything which means we fish pieces of dog food out of her mouth more often than I like to admit.
It’s harder and harder for her to sit still and finish a bottle these days. There are too many distractions and with big sister running around, she’d rather be part of the action. We’ve moved her last bottle up to her room so she knows it’s time to wind down for bed.
SLEEP | We’ve hit a little bit of a sleep regression. Or something. It’s been a little rough the last three weeks with her waking multiple times per night. Teeth might be the culprit as she seems to be quite the drool monster but no new pearly whites yet. She’s still napping well during the day so I’m thankful for that. Hopefully we get nighttime back on track soon!
PLAY | She’s constantly moving during the day. Gracyn will actually play with Leighton, which is so fun to watch. Her fave thing to do is crawl away from you at warp speed as you tell her “no” and normally makes a beeline for the stairs.  She’s starting to find her groove and bop along to music and likes to yell and grunt. I mean, really, she’s pretty much amazing all around. 

Another awesome month with this sweet gal. We love you something fierce, Leighton Lynn!

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