It’s a Girl!

Our sweet girl is here!

Leighton Lynn Oakley was born 12/17/14 at 7:53 AM. She’s a little chunk weighing in at 8 lbs 9 oz and 20 inches long; her noggin measures 14.5 inches.

My c-section went according to plan and without any complications. This morning I was able to get unhooked from the I.V. and catheter, take a shower and put on my own clothes which made me feel 10 times better about life. I’m a little sore but as long as I take it easy I’m getting around just fine. Breastfeeding seems like it’s going better this time around so I’m hopeful things continue to go well!

Sweet Leighton, we are madly in love with you already. Even big sister Gracyn thinks you’re pretty awesome. Daddy and I are so lucky to have two beautiful daughters. We couldn’t imagine life without you.

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