Bumpdate :: 39 Weeks

The final countdown! The final weekly bumpdate! The final blurry picture! Amen, right?!

The Bump said the baby is the size of a watermelon, but we already used that a few weeks ago. Another site says she’s the size of a bunch of Swiss chard (wtf?), but I think she’s the size of an actual baby since I’m fully expecting to deliver a tiny, squishy human instead of a fruit or abstract veggie in a few days time.

Yep, come Wednesday we will be a family of four. I’m praying everything goes as planned and our scheduled delivery is uneventful. We can’t wait to meet our little miss and have her join our family.

We spent the weekend getting the rest of the house ready for baby girl. The car seat is in the van, the pack ‘n play is set up in our room and I bought diapers for both girls today, which, if I’m being honest, totally ‘effed with me a little. I’m going to have TWO. BABIES.

That, and the fact that two packs of diapers cost $50. Yikes.

Gracyn helped Daddy set up sissy’s bed and has been putting her own baby doll to sleep in the bouncy seat that is now occupying the living room. She really is the best and I’m excited to see her in action, teaching everything she knows to her little sister including, but not limited to, the fact that everyone poops


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