Gracyn | Five Years Old

five years old

Five Years Old!

You guys. I can’t deal. MY BABY IS FIVE. I’ve successfully kept someone alive and well for five whole years. I still don’t know what I’m doing half the time but this is something to celebrate! A whole hand. Almost in kindergarten.

She stated the other night that once she’s five, she’s going to start doing “five year old things” like taking showers and putting herself to bed. Like I said, I CAN’T EVEN.

Wanna know what else I can’t even handle? Gracyn’s totally amazing sense of style…

This girl is fierce.

She came downstairs the other morning dressed to impress with all of the appropriate accessories for a cold, rainy Monday at home. Ha! She likes to wear something “beautiful” every day, whether it’s an overly fancy dress or some of her play jewelry. She’s might even try and sneak some makeup every now and then, too. And she’s been very into picking out her own outfits and while we intervene sometimes, we mostly just roll with it. Patterns on patterns (on patterns) are in, right?

At five years old, Gracyn is the sweetest girl. She is funny and sensitive and pretty much follows the rules. She’s definitely a lover, not a fighter, and I’d say she behaves 90% of the time, usually listening or doing what we ask. The other 10% of the time she can be a typical kid with meltdowns when her emotions run high. And high emotions are definitely becoming the norm around here!

If she disobeys or thinks she’s in trouble, she knows it immediately and will run up to her room in tears (dramatic stomping and slamming of the door included!) until we go up and have a chat. She gets upset when her friends have to leave or they aren’t home to play and can be very dramatic when a day at home equates to her “never being able to do anything FUN!” She likes to know what’s next on the agenda and would eat at McDonald’s every day if she could.

She is smart and has a very good memory. She’ll randomly talk about things that happened years ago. It really surprises me what she can drum up from memory. She adjusted well to preschool last year and did the same when we started at her new daycare earlier this month. I’m so excited for her to start school in the fall! She’s been talking about kindergarten for about a year now so I know she’ll love it.

If she is having apprehensions about something or is feeling a little down, we can always tell because she’ll ask for “special alone time” with either me or Justin. Usually all it takes is a solo trip to the store or something like that to make her feel better – and it’s a nice reminder for us to carve out a little one-on-one time with her and the other two kids.

Gracyn has always been a great big sister and she continues to be a big help with her sister and brother. We’re slowly but surely starting to see her and Leighton play well together. Some days are better than others but as Leighton matures, I’m looking forward to seeing them get even closer. No matter how crazy Leighton can be, Gracyn is patient with her and never pushes or hits back.

She’s quick to grab a diaper or hold Baker if I need a minute with my hands free. She will entertain him by dancing and singing and even made sure to ask, “Baker, don’t you just love my dress?!” after waltzing downstairs in this number.

My Goose. You are one of my favorites. You made me a mama and while I don’t claim to have it all figured out, I’m so proud of the young lady you are becoming. I love you more than words, girlfriend.

Happy 5th Birthday, baby!

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