We had a great day celebrating Gracyn’s birthday on Saturday. She was so excited when she woke up that morning. I quickly ran downstairs to take a few pics and try to capture her face when she saw her new car.
This car. It’s borderline ridiculous. Justin called me on Thursday afternoon as he was casually perusing the aisles at Toys R Us. Which he never does, so I knew he was up to something. He had mentioned that he wanted to get Gracyn a power wheel for her birthday. I, of course, objected because 1.) she’s only turning THREE and 2.) it’s winter. No need for this monstrosity in our home when she wouldn’t even be able to play with it, right!?
Obviously, I won that argument… 😉
She was so excited to see it. And this car is loaded. It has an actual radio, an MP3 player, and speakers in the trunk along with two microphones so the kids can sing along. Oh, and two sets of sunglasses. Nothing like sending a distracted driver out on the road sidewalk!
After breakfast, we spent an hour playing at Little Monkey Bizness along with 32123432 other little humans before heading back home for lunch and a nap for the little sister. The birthday girl watched Inside Out with Grandma and Papa and opened some more prezzies once my aunt and uncle and our friends came over that afternoon.
She wanted a pink birthday cake so we made Justin’s family’s standard strawberry pop cake recipe (similar recipe here). It’s delicious but Gracyn only let me put strawberries on half. She’s goofy like that. We sang “Happy Birthday” and she blew out the candles like a champ. She stayed up way past her bedtime but that’s ok – she actually napped on Sunday!
THREE is off to a great start! 🙂