My biggest gal’s room got a bit of a refresh a few weeks ago! I’m super happy with how it turned out; it’s colorful but not overwhelming. Girly, but hopefully not to “babyish” so that she’s happy with it for years to come. She could probably stand a few more things hung up on the walls but for now, I’m calling it good!
I picked out a few things and put together this post as inspiration and a jumping off point. A few good sales at Target and some furniture rearranging is basically all it took to give Gracyn a bit more play space in her room and free up the double bed for when we transition Leighton out of her crib.
Originally, we had set up the bed on the opposite wall (where her dresser used to be) but after one night, G wanted it back by the window so she could “see the hallway”. It’s where her old bed was so I can’t blame the girl for wanting to sleep in a familiar place while she got used to her new twin bed.
The headboard is made of reclaimed wood and was put together by Axel Co, a local Kansas City company. I snagged it last year from one of their Instagram sales. Her little nightstand was a find from Bella Patina and her dresser used to be part of Justin’s old bedroom set. I had painted it two years ago for G’s big girl room at our old house.
Her bookshelves are IKEA spice racks painted white – they work perfectly. My mama made her “birth” sign with all of her stats and things like that on a 11×14 (I think) canvas.
I found blackout curtains for the girls’ rooms at Lowes of all places about a month or so after we had moved in. On clearance, too! Since they only have one window in each of their rooms, I purchased on neutral gray set and split them up so it can now stay dark 24/7 if we want it to!
I was searching high and low for this metal cart on wheels from IKEA but they must not make this color any more. Luckily, Michael’s has one that is basically identical. Well, except for the price. I saved a 50% off coupon and scooped it up one day, which brought it down to IKEA’s $29.99 price tag. I love it and might need one in every room of the house.
I’m not one to enter Hobby Lobby and leave empty handed… too many goodies screaming, “make me into a gallery wall, lady!
I’m so happy with how it turned out!