The Sunflower State

the sunflower state

Welcome to The Sunflower State! If you’re in the Kansas City area around the beginning of September, be sure to check out a local farm with over a million sunflowers in bloom!

The Sunflower State

We’ve lived in Kansas for seven years and I’m pretty sure I’ve been living under a rock. I had no idea that every year, a million sunflowers bloom in a field 30 minutes from our front door. After seeing my Facebook and Instagram feed blow up over the weekend with pictures of these gorgeous flowers, I told Justin we needed to go. The flowers are only in full bloom for about two weeks so we needed to go soon if we were going to see them at all, so we headed out Tuesday night.

Grinter Farms generously opens up their fields to the public for free every year. They let people cut the flowers for $1 a piece, on your honor, with donation boxes placed on the outskirts of the field. It was a gloomy evening, the baby had a blowout on the way and Gracyn refused to take a selfie with me but it was still an awesome sight to see. I can’t wait to go back next year…

the sunflower state
the sunflower state
the sunflower state
the sunflower state
the sunflower state
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