Kansas City Moms Blog

We’ve lived in the Kansas City area for 6 years now and have yet to explore a lot of things Kansas City has to offer. Sure, I know where we like to go grab a cocktail (or five) and our favorite go-to restaurants but ever since becoming parents, happy hours are few and far between and we can only eat at budget-friendly restaurants where it’s acceptable for a toddler to throw food on the floor.

I’ve been looking/needing/wanting to find family-friendly activities that won’t break the bank; a community of other local moms who have seen and done it all; moms who could offer advice and support on a variety of subjects when I feel like I’m failing miserably at this thing called motherhood.

Enter Kansas City Moms Blog.

A team of contributors post daily about pregnancy, childbirth, raising babies, marriage and family. They include posts about local family-oriented businesses and events that are taking place across the metro with the goal of connecting local moms and creating a sense of community. It’s nice to read about things we all experience as parents coming from moms that live right in your own city.

If I’m itching for a new adventure, I can hit up the archives of Kansas City Moms Blog to find things to do in the ‘burbs. Maybe we’ll even get ballsy and head north! And when I’m googling whether or not I should be concerned that my baby just ate the dog food? It’s nice to know that other moms, in my community, just like me, are going through the same thing.

They recently had a “casting call”, if you will, looking for new contributors to join in on the fun. I applied thinking I’d get looked over in a heartbeat but much to my surprise, they chose me along with 8 other women to join the team!

I’m no expert – I’ve only been a mom for 18 months and let’s be honest, most days I’m scrambling to keep Gracyn clean and fed. I often think I don’t know what the ‘eff I’m doing when it comes to raising our daughter and I’m learning as I go. I also think a lot of other moms feel the same way. There is no “right” way to raise a kid; there are what seem to be thousands of different opinions on any given subject and when we all think we’re about to lose our shit, it’s nice to have a place to go to gain a different perspective.

So, you can catch me posting over on Kansas City Moms Blog every once in awhile. I’ll be sure to share on Facebook when my posts – and everyone else’s awesome posts – are up. I promise to never claim to be a “know-it-all” while hopefully offering up content that moms in our area will find helpful.

If I can connect with one other mom, help her feel not-so-alone when her kid just won’t sleep and/or stay asleep, or starts throwing her body on the floor in a tantrum (yeah, that’s happening over here…) then I’ll feel like I’m a decent contributor and a worthy member of the team!

Now, go “like” the KCMB Facebook page! “Like” our posts! Share with your friends!


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