I thought about breaking up our Jamaica trip into an ungodly number of separate posts – scenery, food, drinks, one insane catamaran cruise, etc. but after looking through my {hundreds of} photos, it turns out my trusty iPhone, along with my hair, wasn’t a fan of the humidity down in Jamaica, ‘mon. Half of the pics turned out kind of blurry. I left my good Nikon at home and our smaller digital camera is 47 years old and it turns out, it doesn’t take great pictures either.
Thanks to some of my favorite Instagram filters and other mild editing, we managed to get a handful of good ones. Insta for life.
I’m still gonna break it up into 2 or 3 posts because a single post with approximately 77 photos is just bananas. You’re welcome.
We had an amazing trip. The weather was perfect and the drinks were strong. As the days passed by, my tan lines got weirder and my hair got frizzier but still, no complaints here. We stayed at the Hyatt Zilara Rose Hall and the resort was gorgeous. We had a great room with an ocean view. I may or may not have taken 143 selfies out on the balcony trying to get the perfect shot of the ocean with my head in the frame. I don’t think any of them turned out stellar but I don’t care. Selfies for life.
I turned 30 while we were there, which is strange to say. I don’t feel 30, not that I know what it’s supposed to feel like. We saved the fanciest of restaurants for my birthday celebration. They sang to me and everything. There also happened to be a pool party happening that night which meant dancing on the pool deck with 3 other people while some kid played DJ on his Macbook. Not the greatest pool party in the history of all pool parties, but I did get to dance on my birthday so it was all good… 😉
I missed the girls like crazy and was soooooo ready to get home to them. Luckily, flights were on time and we were home on Tuesday before they went to bed that night. And Leighton has woken up no less than 3 times every night since we’ve been back, which means any ounce of energy I saved up by lying on a beach for 6 days was gone in a matter of minutes. But I guess that’s the price you pay for taking a kid-less vacation.
Nonetheless, a great time was had by all. We hadn’t taken a real vacation since our honeymoon 4.5 years ago so it was time. And because we’re wild and crazy kids, we get to do it again in April – Mexico with my besties from high school. Can’t. Wait.