The bump is noticeably missing from this week’s update but you get the idea: BIG.
Justin was out hanging Christmas lights on the house and it was getting dark so Gracyn and I did an impromptu photo shoot to make sure I actually put this small watermelon to work before I turn 38 weeks. I tried to use the self-timer on the camera but those weren’t pretty so G is flying solo this time!
I’ve reached the puffy stage of pregnancy. My wedding ring hasn’t fit for the past week or so and after this Thanksgiving weekend, my feet are constantly swollen and I officially have cankles. I’m measuring 1.5 weeks ahead of “schedule” but according to my doctor it isn’t that big of a deal. I’ll just be delivering a 13 pound baby in 2.5 weeks.
And yeah, this baby will be here in a little over 2 weeks. So crazy.