Essential Oils | DIY Night Cream

Ok, it’s official. I am having wayyyyyy to much fun playing around with these oils! 
What’s even better, though, is that I’m actually seeing and feeling the benefits of incorporating essential oils into our everyday lives. It’s a little overwhelming at first when trying to learn about each oil and how they can be used. But the more I use them and the more research I do, I’m convinced they’re the way to go. So far, my fave thing to do is diffuse an oil or two each day depending on our moods. We use lavender a TON to help keep the girls calm and each kid gets a little foot rub with some diluted lavender before bed. I absolutely LOVE diffusing purification to get rid of the funky dog smell that sometimes always inhabits our family room. 
I’m also a big fan of this homemade night cream I made using some of the oils that came in my premium starter kit. I don’t have awful, terrible skin by any means – thankfully, I don’t get a ton of breakouts – but it can be problematic at times. I’ve been thinking that it was high time I start an anti-aging regimen or something (after all, I am going to be turning 30 in a few short months…) to help even my skin tone and make it NOT look like I’m operating on 4 hours of sleep every night (thanks, LL!).
I was Googling and Pinning things about oils and came across this recipe. A little DIY night cream that was easy to make and easy to use. I’ve been slathering this good stuff all over my face and neck before bed and I’m loving how it makes my skin feel.
1/3 Cup Whipped Coconut Oil
10 Drops Lavender
10 Drops Lemon
10 Drops Frankincense
Simply mix ingredients together and store in a glass container!
I will say that it gets a little soupy if it gets too warm – obviously the coconut oil melts as it gets hot – so I like to keep this in the fridge so it’s nice and cool when I’m ready to use it. It softens very quickly in your hand and is ready to apply to the skin right away.
The oils used in this recipe are so great. There are so many uses for lavender, lemon smells amaze-balls and frankincense was gifted to baby Jesus so you know it’s got to be good…

I even went as far as to take before and after pics for you. Lucky! You get to see selfies of me sans makeup, frizzy hair and in poor lighting! You. are. welcome.

I know it’s a really hard to tell because the quality of these photos is so terrible and no one probably even notices a difference except for me but I do feel like my skin is brighter. Fuller? In a good way. Not in the “I-might-have-just-slammed-a-cupcake” way… Maybe a little?! My hair is completely out of control but my skin is heading in the right direction… And don’t worry, I have a haircut scheduled for Saturday to tame the mane.
Another AWESOME thing I’ve discovered since using Young Living oils is the incredible community surrounding these products. I joined up under a gal here in Kansas City and it was seriously the best decision. We have a great team and the group has become a huge resource for me as I’ve gotten started. 
Stay tuned for more recipes and different ways we’re using the oils. Justin has even converted, you guys. The man who hates going to the doctor and won’t take meds is now reaching for peppermint when he has an upset stomach or tea tree to sooth his itchy, sweaty feet. It’s good stuff, yo!
Email me or leave a comment if you have any questions if you’re considering getting started with essential oils. I’m still learning but I’d love to talk about it with you!
*Please note, everything on this page pertains only to Young Living essential oils.  I encourage you to do your own research and make sure that you are comfortable with the decisions you are making as you incorporate natural remedies into your family life. My research led me to exclusively choose Young Living because of their seed to seal process and the therapeutic quality grade of their oils. It is important to know that Young Living essential oils do not cure, prevent or treat any disease or illness. Anything that is shared is based on my personal experience and the experiences of the friends and family who have been helped by using Young Living oils and products.  It is not intended to diagnose or cure any medical condition. Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. If you are pregnant or nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition, consult your doctor before using these products.
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