
Second stop on the home tour train is the girls’ playroom. This room is right off the front door, at the front of the house. It’s officially an office, and you’d think that I’d use it as such since I work from home but at this stage of life, it’s WAY more convenient to use it as a playroom. My “office” is set up in our kitchen area instead.

And by office, I mean a little desk and uncomfortable chair.

But still, it works. With my desk set up in the kitchen, I’m able to keep an eye on the girls when they’re playing in the playroom or upstairs or in the basement. And having a “place” for the obscene amount of toys we have?! THE BEST.

It’s always a complete mess but the kid are also always playing in there so I’m ok if it doesn’t look put together on any given day. It IS a playroom after all. We do try to at least pick up a bit at the end of each day.

The ceiling is vaulted and even with stuff on the walls, they feel bare to me. One of the bloggers I follow posted a picture on her Instagram of a little interchangeable gallery wall she uses to display her son’s artwork. Why didn’t I think of that?! I already had some empty white frames so I hung those up the other day after the girls and I did a few Halloween crafts. It also gives me a spot to display some of G’s work she brings home from school.

There is a nice big closet – disregard the sad little fall-inspired garland that I made 4 years ago – with shelving and storage space. It is a COMPLETE disaster on the inside. More toys, art supplies, paper, puzzles, games, etc. I love that we can just shut the doors and forget about the mess.

I love displaying pictures in here of the girls and our family. These square prints are from Artifact Uprising as a perk for participating in Megan’s 30 Days of Summer Photo Challenge earlier this year. The wire hanging device is from Ikea.

This bookshelf was actually my old Barbie playhouse when I was a kid. I got it for Christmas one year and my mom stripped it of the old wallpaper and carpet and painted it white when we were planning Gracyn’s nursery. It works perfectly to house books and a basket of blankies.

The prints below were a gift from my aunt and uncle but similar ones can be found here. Oh, and that’s Butch, our resident creepster. She makes an appearance every now and then when the girls feel like giving her some love. We also like putting Snapchat filters on her and sending them to my brother as a means to weird him out. Butch also likes to hide and startle our houseguests. Check out the #WeCallHerButch hashtag on Instagram for more Butch.

That’s our playroom! When I’m not breaking up fights it really is a great place for the kids to play together. We spend lots of time reading books and eating pretend food and picking up an ungodly number of pompoms off the floor with giant tweezers. 🙂


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