Transitioning to the Crib With Newton Baby

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Partnering with Newton Baby to share our infant’s nightly routine and how we transitioned him to the crib in his room at three months old.

Transitioning to the Crib

This post is sponsored by Newton Baby. All opinions – and cute sleepy baby – are my own.

All of my babies spent their first weeks of life sleeping in the pack ‘n play next to our bed. It’s handy to keep them close for those middle of the night feedings and to check to make sure they’re breathing 47 times a night. The girls were moved to their cribs for night time sleep around the 8-week mark but Baker managed to spend a little more time rooming in with us.

I was nervous bringing him home after he was born knowing he had a heart defect. He didn’t have any issues while in the hospital and before we were discharged, we were educated on what to look should he begin showing signs of heart failure.

Sounds scary, right? Heart failure?! To my surprise – and relief – actual heart failure can be a gradual process and often times, symptoms may be managed by medication. But still! My baby could potentially go into heart failure! My desire (want, need, obsession – whatever you wanna call it!) to keep him close at all times was definitely real.

Thankfully, Baker has never shown any serious signs of distress. He has great coloring, maintains his oxygen levels (even more so now that he’s on medicine) and we’re close to getting that broken heart of his all fixed up. There was one slight problem, though.

Mr. Man is L O U D. From day one, he’s been grunty and snorty; he squeaks and sighs in his sleep which means I’m constantly popping up out of bed to check on him, thinking he’s awake. Nine times out of 10, he’s still fast asleep and I was up for no reason. When he was around 3 months old, I decided it was probably time to move him to his own room so we could all sleep a little more soundly.

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Newton Baby

Newton Baby Crib Mattress

Because Baker is a rockstar baby, the transition has been so smooth! By far the easiest out of all three kiddos – and we do not have great sleepers. The girls are still pretty awful sleepers to this day so to have a babe who has been as easy going as Baker has been so far is a huge blessing. I’m very aware that this could all be related to said heart defect and will soon come to an end but for now, I’m rolling with it!

Our nightly routine consists of a bath if he’s stinky, rubbing him down with some lotion, changing into his pajamas and then we sneak away for one last nursing sesh up in his room. I’ve rocked all three of my babies in the same comfy chair and it’s one of my favorite times of day. Baker is usually pretty sleepy by the time he’s done eating so I swaddle him up tight, lay him down and call it a night.

Just kidding – I stare at him on the baby monitor because I miss him when he’s sleeping and I’m a crazy person.

But really, ever since we moved him to his room, my little boyfriend has started sleeping through the night!

Now, I’m no expert (remember, I breed terrible sleepers…) but part of the reason he may be sleeping so well is the fact that he gets to rest his sweet little head on the Newton Baby crib mattress. Newton Baby was kind enough to send us their 100% breathable crib mattress to try out and we’ve become big fans!

Newton Baby uses wovenaire technology to create a mattress that is comfortable, clean and safe for baby while they’re sleeping. The Newton Crib Mattress is even completely washable. Throw the cover in the laundry machine and put the mattress core right into the bathtub. Seriously, you can wash this thing in the tub to keep it looking (and smelling!) fresh and new!

Baker isn’t rolling back to front yet but eventually, we’ll have to stop swaddling as he gets closer to reaching that milestone. Knowing his mattress is a safe zone helps ease my mama nerves a bit should he become a tummy sleeper!

Now that we have the nighttime sleep figured out, who wants to come teach him to sleep in his comfy crib for naps?! I don’t know why but I’ve always struggled to get my kids to nap in their cribs at this age. Swings for life, am I right?!

His therapists would probably cringe and slap my hand for letting him nap in the swing or the rock ‘n play but we do what we need to do to in order to survive, people. We’re working on it, though, I promise!

If you want to try a Newton Crib Mattress they even have a 100-night trial. If for some reason it’s not a good fit you can send it back for a full refund but I’m confident you’ll know after the first night or two that it’s a keeper! The mattress comes in a variety of colors (neutrals and pink and blue!) and they also have some of the sweetest breathable sheets from aden + anais to complete your nursery.

Sleep can be hard to come by in this house so anything that helps promote a restful night is appreciated! Thank you, Newton Baby, for sending us a mattress to try! Baker is loving it and I’m tempted move my nocturnal toddler who is up at all hours of the night back into the crib if it’ll help her sleep through the night, too!

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